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Free Guides: The 12 Days of Insights

Insights Discovery is the perfect way to kickstart a New Year.

It can empower your people to work better together, improve team communication and give managers the edge they need to provide top class support.

But where do you start? This Christmas, our gift to you is a fortnight of free guides to help you put Insights into action immediately.

Each day you’ll gain the knowledge that will enable you to lead a business built on purpose, belonging and trust. Here’s the list!

1 – Recognise anyone’s Insights colour energy

Insights is just a simple way to recognise, share them and be aware of our preferences and the preferences of others

I’ve seen the power of Insights unlock so many teams. Sometimes my training has helped people to finally be themselves and put their strengths to work.

Even at the most basic level, Insights can improve how a team (and a whole business) works together.

So here’s a quick way to identify the colour energy of those around you by looking at their preferences…


2 – Understand each colour’s preferred way of working

There’s no ‘right’ way to work, but each colour has their own recognisable preferences

Now you have a simple way to spot the colour energy in the people around you, it’s time to learn a little more about each one.

For instance, Sunshine Yellows love meeting new people and sharing ideas.

While Earth Greens are driven by a consideration for the people that surround them, and understanding how they might be impacted by any action.

These mini bios give you more of a personal sense of each colour…


3 – How your own colour drives your leadership style

The way we lead is unsurprisingly linked to our personality

Insights is about understanding others and yourself, and using that knowledge to be mindful of how you lead, work and interact.

Your own colour energy comes out in your leadership style. Knowing this energy can help you to take advantage of your preferences, for everyone’s benefit.

Here’s some more bios describing how leadership styles and colour energies combine…



4 – Understanding your own approach in the language of Insights

Now you’re getting accustomed to the ‘language’ of Insights, you can start using it in day to day discussions

“I’m just going to go a bit Cool Blue now”. This is the sort of thing I love to hear when I’ve worked for a while with a particular team.

It means that they’ve totally got it. But it also means that everyone else understands what they mean, too.

Insights gives everyone a language to talk easily about how they might approach a problem or opportunity, without anyone feeling isolated or picked on.

Check out this easy reference guide for how work process meets colour energy…



5 – Communicate effectively by using Insights

One of the biggest impacts of Insights is on communication

The best communicators really understand what other people need to hear, not just what they want to say to them.

Once Insights is embedded in a business, it enables people to avoid misinterpretation, conflict, personality clashes and other unnecessary issues.

This guide provides easy tips for how to communicate effectively with anyone, based on their colour energy preferences…



6 – Closing a sale by recognising client colour energy

When you understand someone’s preferences, you can build trust more easily

We all know that people are more likely to buy from other people they trust. Insights is a powerful tool to earn that connection.

‘Earn’ is the important word. This isn’t manipulation – it’s about fully understanding how the other person thinks.

When you take time to understand that, you’ll have a far more honest and productive conversation.

Each of these mini guides will walk you through the best way to interact with someone when pitching or making a sale…




7 – Spot and solve causes of stress for each colour energy

Insights has so many applications, and for managers it can be invaluable

Imagine being able to proactively spot what could cause problems in your teams, and then get out ahead of the issue.

Or if you could understand what might stress someone out that wouldn’t cause another person any worries, enabling better workload management.

That’s exactly what these guides can do:

  • Explain common stress triggers for each colour energy
  • Demonstrate what that stress might look like
  • Provide answers on what could help relieve or avoid it


8 – How to support introverts as a leader

Introverted people can often be overlooked or hard to support

Extroverts make themselves known, but introverts can require different management techniques.

Any colour preference can also lean towards introversion, so sometimes you need to be aware of specific needs.

Here’s a one page guide that provides six simple ways to support and lead any introverts in your business…



9 – Adapting your style to discover something new

Our colour energies don’t dictate how we must behave, they simply help us understand our preferences

Sometimes we discover that our own preference might not be the best option for the circumstances.

If you’re trying to communicate with someone who is Cool Blue, for instance, you might want to dial back on your own Fiery Red.

This is how Insights helps you to adapt – by being aware of your choices and making it easier to understand the best way forward.

For this guide, we’re taking a look at some easy ways to adapt your instincts and try something different…





10 – Create an environment of psychological safety

Whatever the colour energy, pyschological safety is key to performance

But what does that mean? In basic terms, we want everyone to feel comfortable and safe from threats while working.

That means no risk of humiliation. No worry about being made to look stupid for asking questions. And being given support for personal needs.

Why does this matter? Unless people feel safe they will always be on edge, and you’ll never see them reach their full potential.

This guide spells out some steps that any leader can take to build a safe environment for their people…



11 – How managers can preserve pyschological safety

When you’ve built up trust and safety, it needs to be maintained

Managers are critical to keeping people together and making sure that everyone feels included and part of the team.

This goes both ways when colour energies are involved. 

Managers can use their awareness to spot when people have certain needs, like Fiery Reds feeling the need for empowerment.

But managers can also bring their own colour energies into action, like Earth Greens making sure their team is aware of the human impact they have.

Here’s a very simple way for managers to preserve psychological safety…



12 – Personalise performance reviews for colour preferences

Understanding colour energies makes feedback a real opportunity

Performance reviews are often dreaded – on both sides of the conversation.

But knowledge of each person’s Insights personality profile can unlock a whole range of productive opportunities.

This final guide provides you with a way to give feedback so it is taken in the best way possible…



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I can make Insights work for you and your business…